How does Mathletes work?

  • Your gym is divided into four ENGAGING math zones with students moving through each zone working together in teams to complete as many math activities as possible in four timed
  • Teams are coached by intermediate students who take part in a 45 minute leadership training prior to the arrival of the participants.  
  • Music, visual images & high energy fuels the day with scores being tabulated & celebrated at the end of each zone motivating students to keep working towards a common GOAL
    of completing THOUSANDS of MATH QUESTIONS together in one day!
  • MATHLETES concludes with a ribbon ceremony for ALL students as they CELEBRATE their MATH accomplishments.

What are the 4 Mathletes activities?

activities were designed in accordance with the Ontario Mathematics Curriculum for each grade from 3 to 6 and include all strands in the mathematical process such as:

  • Number Sense & Numeration
  • Geometry and Spatial Sense
  • Patterning and Algebra
  • Measurement Data
    Management and Probability

Just as the Ontario Mathematics Curriculum recognizes different learning styles and understands that all students do not necessarily learn mathematics in the same way so does MATHLETES with
each activity allowing for ACTIVE participation for all students at their skill level.

NOTE:  Two zones employ pencil to paper calculation & two zones employ hands on activities with manipulatitves.

The 4 MATHLETES activities consist of the following:

  • Pentomino Challenges   Supports logical thinking and problem-solving and explores area, perimeter, symmetry, and congruence. The use of these manipulatives allows students to see patterns and relationships making connections between the concrete and the abstract. 2D pentominoes are used for grades 3, 4, & 5 students. 3D pentominoes are used for the grade 6 students to vary the level of difficulty.
  • Word Problems & Brain Teasers   Brings together the ability to combine words, numbers, graphs, pictures, diagrams & tables with questions that relate mathematics to real life situations which spill over into other facets of life relevant for students. The word problems in MATHLETES vary from level 1 to level 4 with a variety of thought provoking brain teaser diagrams as well as traditional word problems. Some questions require that the students write out their steps, others can be done mentally while others need to be acted out with their teammates to reach an answer.
  • Tangram Puzzles Helps students develop mathematical concepts of fractions, spatial awareness & geometry in an interesting, engaging, and authentic hands on activity with manipulatives that
    have both geom
    etric and artistic features. The puzzles used vary in levels of difficulty and are different for each grade level.
  • Mathcodes This activity has students breaking codes by solving addition, subtraction, multiplication & division questions that follow patterns. As students progress thorough the questions they
    transpose their numerical answers into letters to solve the clue given at the beginning of the question resulting in their answer evolving into a word to solve the Mathcode. This zone ties math and literacy together in a fun way and requires many ‘minute math” type calculations. The questions range from level 1 to level 4. This activity is action packed and the students love it.

Questions Completed…
Over 1,200 Presentations
In 20 School Boards
SO FAR....
What they said….
  • The best school day ever!
  • Engaging, Energetic
  • Excellent leadership opportunity for intermediates
  • A powerful experience
  • Infectious energy & enthusiasm
  • Fun
  • Educational
  • Allowed all students of all abilities to SHINE
  • Turned kids onto MATH
  • The positive experience of MATHLETES lasted much longer than the actual time spent during the activity
  • Money & Time well spent
  • Motivating
  • Challenging
  • The right mix of challenging and spot on appropriate
  • Organization of the day was OUTSTANDING
  • Totally engrossed in MATH
  • Absorbing grade appropriate challenges
  • Absolutely the best full day event I have ever seen
  • The most well run, interactive and engaging school program I have ever seen
  • Older kids supporting and encouraging younger kids
  • Positive foundation to build on not just in math but in the sense of communal pride
  • They wanted to keep answering questions even during recess
  • Great to work alongside our children doing math just for the fun of it

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